Editor Profile

Dr Jibril Lawal

Federal University Gusau, Zamfara State-Nigeria
Senior Lecturer


Mathematical and Computational Modeling, Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases, and Applied Mathematics

  1. L. Jibril , A. U. Moyi, Differential Transform Method for the Vaccination Model of the cholera Carrier , International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)  Volume: 06 Issue: 11 | Nov 2019, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072,                                                                                                                                       
  2. Usman, I.G., Jibril, L., Adomian Decomposition Approach to a Scram Toilet Infection Epidemic Model, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 12, December-2019, ISSN 2229-5518
  3. Jibril L, and Ibrahim M. O, On existence and Stability analysis on effects of Ivermectin Drugs:  Modeling the Dynamics and control of onchocerciasis Disease in Nigeria, International Journal of Science for Global Sustainability (IJSGS2015), 1(1):
  4. Jibril Lawal, and Amiru Sule, On Existence and Sensitivity – Index of a Cholera Carrier Epidemic Model International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Technology 2018 (Mathtech 2018) , Universiti Sains Malaysia. AIP Conference Proceedings 2184, 060010 (2019); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5136442
  5. Jibril Lawal and Amiru Sule, Global Stability of a Cholera Carrier Epidemic Model with with Nonlinear Incidence, International Journal of Science & Research, IJSR, 7(2): February 2018. DOI: 10.21275/ART20179147
  6. Jibril Lawal, Ibrahim Maihaja and Ibrahim M. O, Solution of a Cholera Carrier Epidemic Model using Differential Transform Method (DTM), International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research, IJESRT, 7(1): January 2018. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.1136136
  7. Odetunde Opeyemi, Lawal Jibril, Edogbanya, Helen Olaronke and Ibrahim M. O. Optimal Control Analysis of Effect of HAART on immune cells Against HIV Infection, Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, 7 (2018)
  8. Amiru Sule and Jibril Lawal, Mathematical Modeling and Optimal Control of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), Annual Research and Review in Biology, 22(2): 1 – 11, January 2018; Article no. ARRB, 32290. ID: 101632869
  9. Jibril Lawal, Abubakar Usman Muhammad, Mansur Muhammad, and Musa Murtala Abubakar, Enhancing Irrigation Farming in Nigeria using Software Technologies, International Journal of   Scientific & Research Publications, IJSRP, 7(12): December 2017.
  10.  Jibril L. and Ibrahim M. O, Mathematical Modeling on the CDTI Prospects for Elimination of  Onchocerciasis: A Deterministic Model Approach. Maxwell Scientific Organizations;  Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 3(4): 136 – 140, 2011.
  11. Amiru S, Jibril L, Mamman M, Abdullahi M and Usman I. Sensitivity Index of HIV – 1 Model Parameters with Vertical Transmission.  Quest for Research Excellence on Computing, Mathematics and Statistics, The 2nd international Conference on Mathematics and Statistics (iCMS2015): 146 – 161, 2015.
  12. Mamman M, Jibril L, Amiru S, and Usman N, A model of HIV – 1 Dynamics in sub – Saharan Africa an Optimal Control Approach. Quest for Research Excellence on Computing, Mathematics and Statistics, The 2nd international Conference on Mathematics and Statistics (iCMS2015).
  13. Odetunde O, Ibrahim MO, Jibril L, Edogbanye H. O, and Akinyemi ST, Mathematical Modelling of Hepatitis B to Primary Liver Cancer with Consideration of Partial Immunity, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics. 32(November 2015): pp 211 – 220.
  14. Ibrahim Maihaja and Jibril Lawal, The Impact of Modern Technology on Rice Productivity and Sustainable Food Security of Bakalori Dam Irrigation Sites in Zamfara State, Nigeria, World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology WJERT, 2020, Vol. 6, Issue 3, 65-86..
  15. Jibril L , Akinyemi S. T , A Lyapunov Functional For Vaccination Model Of The Dynamics Of Cholera Epidemic With Non-Linear Incidence Of Infection, International Journal of Engineering Technology  Research & Management, Accepted Paper September, 2020.



2013 – 2017      University of Ilorin, UNILORIN, Kwara State. Ph. D Mathematics                                         

2009 – 2011      Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Sokoto State.  Msc. Mathematics

1995 – 1999      Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Sokoto State.  Bsc. Mathematics

            2012      National Teachers Institute NTI Kaduna, Kaduna State.    PGD in Education

            2002      Usmanu DanFodiyo Uni. Sokoto Consultancy Services,  Diploma in Computer Studies                                                 


Experience In


  1.  Member, Mathematical Association of Nigeria                                             
  2. Journal Reviewer (IJSGS 2015)                                                                     
  3. Reviewer, International Journal Of Advanced Research, IJAR https://www.journalijar.com       
  4.  Editorial Board Member in Journal of “Mathematical Modelling and Applications(MMA);http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/mma”                  
  5. Editorial Board Member: international-journal-of applied-mathematics-And-statistical-sciences, http://www.iaset.us/editorial-board/international- journals/international-journal-ofapplied-mathematics-and-statistical-sciences      
  6. Reviewer American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

       7. Reviewer, Annual Research and Review in Biology