Medicine, Health & Food
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Fahmi Irsan Nasution |
2 | Nadjib Dahlan Lubis |
3 | Betty |
Background : Most malignant epithelial tumors originating from the colon are adenocarcinomas, which account for >90% of all carcinoma colon. Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) have been extensively studied and are associated with prognostic factors for several solid tumors. Research on TILs with Hematoxylin & Eosin staining for colon adenocarcinoma is rarely done until now.
Objective : To know the correlation between Intratumoral histological grading of adenocarcinoma colon.
Material and Methods : This is analytical research with a cross-sectional approach using the slide and the paraffin block from the patients diagnosed as adenocarcinoma colon stained with Hematoxylin&Eosin. The statistical analysis with the Spearman method is used to analyze the correlation of intratumoral TILs with histological grading of adenocarcinoma colon.
Results : Based on the statistical analysis with the Spearman method for 32 samples of the patients with adenocarcinoma colon to analyze the correlation of intratumoral TILs TILs with the histological grading show the p-value of p=0,006 (if p-value <0.05, the correlation was significant).
Conclusion : There is a significant relationship between Intratumoral Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes (Intratumoral TILs) and grading histology of adenocarcinoma colon.
Keywords : Adenocarcinoma colon, TILs, grading