Business Studies
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Sean Marvin |
2 | Ronald Suryaputra |
3 | Amelia |
Fashion does not only talk about style, but also the style of accessories, cosmetics, hairstyles, and others that can enhance the appearance of a person. Research Quality on Behavioral Intentions through Perceived Value, Trust, and Experiential Satisfaction. The expected benefit of this research is the addition of knowledge in the field of management related to the Quality of Experiments improving the Quality of Behavior of Intentions through Perceived Values, Experience Quality, and Experiential Satisfaction which will ultimately increase the Understood Value, Experiential Quality, and Experiential Satisfaction of TOBS. This research is causal research. The research method used is a quantitative method with data processing using AMOS. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 170 respondents with the characteristics of male respondents, 18-60 years old, understanding TOBS and doing hair cuts at The Original Barbershop at least 1 time in the last 3 months. The results showed that the Behavioral Intentions variable was established through the Experimental Satisfaction variable, the Experimental Satisfaction variable was formed by two variables namely the Perceived Value and the Trust Coefficient of the regression variable, the Prepared Value variable was related to the Experiential Quality variable, Confidence carried out through the Experiential Quality Experience variable ie Quality of Interaction with, Quality of Physical Environment, Quality of Results, and Access.