Social Sciences & Psychology
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Safira Fitriani, S.Psi. |
This study discusses the effectiveness team in the franchise division. The assessment for 7 employees of the franchise division in the retail company X by using the archive, interview, observation, and quistionnaire. The questionnaire was taken from the team's effectiveness by Lencioni (2002) from based on "5 dysfunctions of a team" consisting of 38 items using 5 aspects this is absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability and inattention to results. The technique analysist data used is using the Microsoft Excel program which is adjusted by the calculation through Lencioni, the lowest score is in the aspect of trust with a score of 3.10 and accountability with a score of 3.38. The validity and reliability test value of this questionnaire is a = 0.894, which means that all items are valid in predicting criteria and are reliable. Then the results of all the assessments that have been obtained, teamwork training is needed in the franchise division