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The Effect of Job Crafting and Job Satisfaction on Work Engagement

Volume: 44  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 20 January 2020
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 916  ,  Download: 750


# Author Name
1 Winny Puspasari Thamrin
2 Wilda Puspita Sari



Work engagement is a condition where someone who has worked can display maximum work performance related to his work and is not forced to carry out his work. There are many factors that can affect work engagement, namely job crafting and job satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of job crafting and job satisfaction on work engagement. The sample of this research is 84 working women with age range from 21 - 60 years with puposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique in this study is Multiple Regression. The results of this study indicate that job crafting has a very significant effect on work engagement, job satisfaction has a very significant effect on work engagement, and there is a very significant effect between job crafting and job satisfaction on work engagement.


  • Job Crafting
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Work Engagement