Social Sciences & Psychology
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Dewi Narti Riance |
This research is a quantitative method research by making an effective communication training intervention design aimed at all members of the Receiving & Dispatching team in the Finance & Accounting division. This study aims to measure the effectiveness of the team and the internal capabilities of the team in the resolution of conflicts that occur in it, to formulate training needs that can be designed to be provided to all team members to improve effective communication skills. The research subjects are employees who are in the Finance & Accounting division specifically on the Receiving & Dispatching team. The sampling technique in this research is to use the Total Quota Sampling technique, because this sampling technique takes as many samples as is appropriate for the population. The sample in this study were 4 employees. The assessment method used in this study is divided into two, namely data collection using a scale, and the scale used is the scale of team effectiveness (team dysfunction) from Lencioni, and the Leaderless Group Discussion (LGD) which aims to see the conflict resolution process carried out by internal team. The analytical method used is to use SPSS analysis version 20. 00 for validity and reliability. Use Microsoft Excel to analyze the results of the questionnaire.