Social Sciences & Psychology
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Meta Dwi Andriani, S.Psi. |
This research aims to improve the effectiveness of the team by providing leadership coachingdesign at the Front OfficeDepartment at Hotel X. This type of research isAction Research. Samples in this study used Purposive Sampling techniques, due to the specific criteria given for the sample withdrawal process. The number of samples in this study were17 employees of the Front Office Department. The effectiveness of the team was measured using questionnaires, interviews and observations. The questionnaire used was "five dysfunctions of a team"from Lencioni consisting of 15 itemsbased on five aspects:absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountabilityand inattention to result. Value of validity and reliability based on the Delta (2012) ofa= 0,924, meaning the entire item is valid in predicting criteria and is already reliable. Data analysis techniques used to know the needs of coaching using the program MicrosoftExceltailored to the calculations through Lencioni.The results showed thatall aspects werein the medium category, but the lowest scoreswerefound in the avoidance of accountability aspect thatneed to be considered to be developed through leadership coaching. The research is expected to also be a consideration for subsequent studies.