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Enhanced Safety in Cooking: Microcontroller-based Single-Burner Electric Cooker with Buzzer

Volume: 42  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 17 December 2019
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 910  ,  Download: 1008


# Author Name
1 Akingbade Luisa Osasere



Safety while cooking with an electric cooker means taking proper precaution and safety measures while making use of the burner. Cooking is fun but staying safe is a priority. Generally, there are hazards with electric cookers, many of which are as a result of electrical malfunctions. Electric cookers do not require gas, it is odorless and the cook-tops are often flat surfaces, making it easy for users to leave items sitting on them and forget about it, thereby creating a major fire hazard. In other to solve this problem efficiently, a system comprising of a push button keypad, buzzer, and automatic timer is connected to an 8 bit microcontroller ATmega328P. The microcontroller continuously monitors the keypad and if somebody enters a password it will check the entered password with the password stored in the memory and if they match then the  microcontroller will switch on the corresponding device, otherwise it triggers the buzzer to create awareness when it is been wrongly accessed. Moreso, the sensitivity of the design is based on the fact that it will not allow any unauthorized person to gain access to the operation of the device. This system design is of low cost, durable, and reliable. After the completion of the design, the users can password, time and as well secure its cooker burner due to high sensitivity of the Microcontroller. Also, this design will be of benefit to individual, restaurants, hotels and other organizations.


  • Microcontroller
  • Electric cooker
  • Single burner
  • Safety
  • password access and buzzer