Engineering & Technology

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Integration of the Triple C Model: Project Management in Philippine Shipyards

Volume: 165  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 23 January 2025
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 85  ,  Download: 36 , Pages: 82 - 92    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001651120257482


# Author Name
1 Dweena Maye V. Zamora
2 Alice G. Comahig


Shipyards help produce vessels. In 2015, the Philippines accounted for 2.8% of the worlds ship completion based on Gross Tonnage and 1.3% in ship exports (DTI, 2017). With the conclusion made by Pawling (2017), the design spiral proposed by Evans (1950) was found to be misleading. This is evident in the delays and wastage in shipyard processes such as 16.10% unnecessary motion, 15.04% inventory management, and 12.25% waiting activities (Harlan, 2019). Despite technology solutions proposed by Paul (2014) and Sokolov et al. (2022), delays and waste in shipyard processes are still present. This paper investigates the soft side of project management, specifically the integration of the Triple C Model for Project Management by Badiru (2008) and its effects on the variation in shipyard processes. Thematic analysis was used during the coding process of the data gathered from the semi-structured interviews conducted in three departments of a Philippine shipyard: Marine Engineering for planning, Marine Production for project actualization, and Warehouse Division for logistics. The results show that the shipyard prioritizes communication. However, there is a lack of participation from the Warehouse Division in project meetings, a focal point for the integration of the Triple C Model for Project Management. This contributes to delays in material acquisition, incorrect material deliveries, and project implementation. To ease delays, the study found that employees with a longer year of experience tend to integrate the Triple C Model despite the lack of a formal process.


  • project management
  • Triple C Model
  • qualitative
  • shipyards
  • shipyard process