Medicine, Health & Food
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 114 , Download: 64 , Pages: 50 - 58
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001641120257440
# | Author Name |
1 | Ms Vaishali Sawant |
2 | Ms Anuja Mahadik |
3 | Ms Roopali Wagh |
4 | Dr Sneha Vaidya |
Oral mucositis is one of the most common toxicities observed during radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment for cancers. Mucositis results in sore mouth, altered taste sensation, pain and dysphagia leading to malnutrition. Left untreated, oral mucositis leads to ulceration, Oro dental infection, bleeding and discontinuation of effective radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Quantification of oral mucositis using standardized grading system is important for appropriate evaluation, reporting and management. In the recent past there is a paradigm shift in the pathobiology of cancer therapy related mucositis. Clear understanding of its pathogenesis is essential for the formulation of effective mucositis care. Numerous drug therapies, radiation techniques and oral care protocols have been tried in the past to reduce oral mucositis, none have proven to be consistently effective. Current trends for the prevention and treatment of oral mucositis are multi-targeted treatment supplemented by aggressive oral hygiene, growth factors and use of specific topical agents to improve treatment of oral mucositis in future. The concept of applying topical agents for the control of mucositis is because of its simplicity. An ideal agent should come in contact with the oral and pharyngeal mucosa for a prolonged period. Investigator conducted the study to assess the effectiveness of topical mouth paint on chemotherapy induced oral mucositis among patients undergoing chemotherapy at Apollo hospital, Navi Mumbai. For this study, 30 patients undergoing Chemotherapy were selected with purposive sampling technique. Data was collected with structured questionnaire and WHO Scale of grading for oral mucositis with permission of DMS, nursing head and ethical committee of Apollo hospitals, Navi Mumbai. The study concluded that 30 individuals had experience in reduction of oral mucositis by topical mouth paint. Among 30 subjects, 19 (63.3%) were males and 11 (36.7%) were females. Patients were scheduled for chemotherapy from a minimum of 8 to a maximum of 12 chemo cycles. The majority of study participants 27 (90%) believe that mouth paint effectively reduces oral mucositis, and 29 (96.7%) agreed that chemotherapy side effects can be reduced with the help of mouth paint. We compared oral health scores during pre and post-intervention of the mouth paint. Based on the comparative values using the non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed Rank test, in that median score value for all the participants was reduced, and the difference was statistically significant. Hence, the study has shown that topical mouth paint was effective to reduce the grade of oral mucositis among patient undergoing chemotherapy.