Medicine, Health & Food
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 93 , Download: 74 , Pages: 40 - 49
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001641120257439
# | Author Name |
1 | Luthfan Hakim Sanusi |
2 | Husin thamrin |
3 | Aryati |
4 | Ulfa kholili |
Cirrhosis is a condition characterized by the presence of regenerative nodules among the liver tissue which is experiencing fibrosis. Cirrhosis is caused by chronic liver damage, where the biggest cause is chronic infection with the hepatitis B virus. This study was conducted to compare the APRI score and FIB-4 score as an alternative that can be used as an indicator of the severity of cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis B patients who are hospitalized in RSUD DR Soetomo in the period June 2018-June 2021. This research was carried out in an observational analytic manner using patient medical record data. In this study, the total population of cirrhotic patients with chronic hepatitis B etiology was 51 patients, and 35 patients were included in the inclusion criteria. 23 patients were male and 12 were female. The average age of the patients was 54.49 years with the youngest being 27 years and the oldest being 86 years. The majority of patients were in the severity of Child C and Child B, namely 15 patients and 14 patients. The prevalence of cirrhosis cases with chronic hepatitis B etiology in the inpatient ward of DR Soetomo Hospital for the period June 2018-June 2021 is 17.11%. FIB-4 median value in the category Child A 2.493, Child B 4.365, and Child C 6.5. The FIB-4 interval values in the Child A category are 0.8-9.7, Child B is 0.8-14.9, and Child C is 2.2-17.8. The median APRI value in the Child A category was 0.743, Child B 2.121, and Child C 2.493 The APRI interval values in the Child A category were 0.5-1.8, Child B 0.2-7.9, and Child C 0.2 -7.9 Based on the Kruskal wallis method, a significance value of FIB-4 is 0.067 and APRI is 0.018, meaning that APRI can be used as an indicator The conclusion of this study is that the APRI score has better results to be used as an indicator of the severity of cirrhosis in chronic hepatitis B patients.