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Development of black pepper incorporated processed Cheese spread for the local market

Volume: 3  ,  Issue: 1 , April    Published Date: 06 May 2018
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1444  ,  Download: 849


# Author Name
1 Shabry M.H.M
2 Rifky A.L.M
3 Mubarak A.J.H


Incorporation of spices to processed cheese is a value added product in Sri Lankan market. Incorporation of pepper is a new trend in traditional processed cheese spread increases consumer preference as well as provides health benefits to human being. Objectives of this research studies were developing low cost pepper incorporated processed cheese spread with higher sensory quality for local market and evaluate chemical, microbiological stability of the manufactured product for it’s keeping quality. This study was continued from already partially finished research study. Initially two treatments were developed to obtain proper formula of processed cheese spread. Observed quality defects like poor spreadability, peppery taste were overcome in rest of three treatments through incorporation of fresh cream (750 ml, 650 ml, 850 ml), vegetable fat (250 g, 300 g, 300 g) and black pepper powder (4%, 3%, 2%) in treatment 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Prepared samples were filled in to PET jars and stored at both room temperature and refrigerated temperature for sensory, chemical and microbiological analysis. Quality attributes were analyzed using 30 panelists each through hedonic test. Ranks were analyzed using MINITAB14. P value < 0.05 in some quality characters such as spreadability, flavor and overall acceptability among treatments show the significant different among treatments. Treatment 4 was selected as the best treatment and control (onion flavored kotmale brand cheese spread) presence in the local market were used to sensory analysis through hedonic test. There were no significant different observed in quality attribute except flavor (p value < 0.05). As chemical parameters pH, moisture content, titratable acidity and as microbiological parameters total plate count, yeast and molds, coliforms were measured periodically to evaluate shelf life of the product developed for marketability.


  • pepper incorporation
  • Processed Cheese
  • cheese spread