Earth, Energy & Environment
Volume: 158 , Issue: 1 , October Published Date: 06 October 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 242 , Download: 426 , Pages: 71 - 92
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10015811020247223
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 242 , Download: 426 , Pages: 71 - 92
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10015811020247223
# | Author Name |
1 | Anne Kathlyn A. Estalilla |
The electric vehicle era has already started and has been slowly gaining attention to the public through advertisements, localized policies and incentives given to owners of fuel-powered vehicles. While existing literatures may have explored the factors influencing the purchase of electric vehicles globally, there is lack of research focused specifically for the Philippines electric vehicle market and if there is a significant difference in the purchasing intention between private and public vehicle users. This lays the foundation in identifying and addressing this gap which can provide valuable insights that is specific for the National Capital Region to facilitate more effective strategies in promoting the use of electric vehicles. It analyzed the factors that influence the consumers green intention to purchase electric vehicles. Such factors include consumer attitude, environment knowledge, environment concern, green consumption value, price and social influence. A survey was administered among 180 respondents who are vehicle drivers and/ or owners grouped equally according to the use of their current vehicle (public or private) from the National Capital Region. A structured survey instrument with 4-point Likert scale was used to gather data using the snowball method. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the effect of the six independent variables to green purchase intention. Consumer attitude, price and social influence were statistically significant to the purchasing intention of electric vehicle while environment knowledge, environment concern and green consumption values are not. Further, there is no significant difference in the green purchase intention when respondents were grouped according to age, gender and the use of their current vehicle. To help in the fast adoption of electric vehicle, results of this study proposed to have more public awareness campaigns, establish trade in/ upgrade programs and have an EV Users recognition program that would increase awareness and encourage more people to switch to electric vehicles.