Chemistry & Chemical Engineering

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Potentiality of Waste Paper Recycling for Sustainable production of Paper in Sudan

Volume: 37  ,  Issue: 2 , September    Published Date: 05 October 2019
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1249  ,  Download: 677


# Author Name
1 Tageldin Hussein Nasroun


To assess the potentiality of waste paper recycling for sustainable paper production in Sudan, two sets of questionnaires were prepared; the first set was public to test their awareness about solid waste collection; sorting, disposal and recycling. The second was designed for the convertors (printing press and packaging manufactures) with extra specific inquiries targeting information about consumption of different paper grades by the convertors such as, type and grades of paper used, amount of waste. During the survey, waste paper (printing, wrapping paper and old newsprint) samples were collected from the packaging and press houses. Printing and wrapping waste was recycled using two different concentrations of sodium hydroxide (3% and 6%).In this study flotation mechanism was used for waste paper from old newsprints (ONP) for the detachment of the ink. The pulp was treated with two sets of chemicals: in the first set hydrogen peroxide was added in three different charges (1%, 2% and 3%). In the second set Sodium carbonate was added in three deferent charges (1%, 2% and 3%).The analysis of survey data revealed that awareness of community plays the main role in waste management policy. With regards to pulping properties the highest pulp yield was obtained when 6% NaOH charge was used. The yields obtained were 82% and 79% for wrapping paper and printing paper respectively. At the same time for ONP the better brightness was obtained when 3% H2O2 and Na2CO3was used. The brightness was 53 and 57 respectively. It was also noticed that increasing the concentration of chemicals and disintegration time increased the physical properties of paper (tensile index, burst index and bulk). Recommendations of actions to be taken in order to improve the performance of the waste paper management system in Khartoum for increasing the amount of waste paper available for paper industry from household solid waste through sorting were suggested. The study also recommended using as minimum chemicals as possible in the recycling process.


  • Recycling – Waste paper - Papermaking