Materials Science

Materials Science

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Antibacterial Behavior of Synthesized Silica-Silver Nanocomposite for Drinking Water Purification

Volume: 155  ,  Issue: 1 , August    Published Date: 19 August 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 100  ,  Download: 59 , Pages: 91 - 100    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001551820247073


# Author Name
1 Thin Thin Hlaing
2 Thazin Han


As worldwide population growth and climate change, important challenges in the global water circumstances require novel water technologies to the supply of drinking water. Nanocomposites are also increasingly used to improve water quality. In this research area, our aim is to apply the water purification based on the distinctive properties of silica-silver nanocomposite. In the synthesis of Silica-silver nanocomposites, nanosilica was synthesized by chemical modification method and MPTMS was used as a linker to combine the silica and silver nanoparticles. The synthesized materials were characterized by using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and size distribution analysis (Zeta sizer). The antibacterial activity of synthesized nanocomposites was tested by agar well diffusion method and test tube method. These nanocomposites are being painted into ceramic filters for their antimicrobial properties during water treatment. The contaminated water samples that may have waterborne pathogenic bacteria from Hlaing River and Ngamoeyeik creek were collected and passed through the nanocomposite painting ceramic filter. E.coli/coliform petrifilms were used to determine the bactericidal activity by comparing the concentrations of target organisms before and after passing through these nancomposite filters. The result showed that SiAg nanocomposite ceramic filter have higher bactericidal activity than colloidal silver. It is seen that Silica matrix enables incorporation of metal ions silver in low concentrations and will provide the long-lasting antibacterial activity as their gradual release into the environment.


  • Silica silver nanocomposite
  • bactericidal activity
  • petrifilms
  • ceramic filter