Arts Literature & Linguistics
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 409 , Download: 278 , Pages: 152 - 166
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001541820247039
# | Author Name |
1 | Christine Mae T. Juyad |
2 | Evangeline H. Alvarez |
3 | Roxan R. Remorosa |
4 | Shiryl T. Ytoc |
Listening to music is an effective tool that can offer solace and improve emotional well-being when someone is feeling down. Songs serve as a form of entertainment that has the ability to lift ones mood. The main purpose of this qualitative study employs Hallidays Systemic Functional Linguistics Theory focusing on Transitivity System is to uncover the experiential function expressed in the Lea Salonga five (5) selected OPM song lyrics. The result of this study revealed that all processes are present based on 102 clauses in the five (5) selected songs lyrics. It was further revealed that among these process types, the material process was the most frequently used which occurred in 31 clauses, followed by relation process was occurred in 30 clauses mental process was occurred in 23 clauses behavioral process was occurred in 8 clauses verbal process was occurred in 7 clauses and existential process was occurred in 2 clause. The researcher found themes reflected in the five (5) selected songs including lifes journey, hope and guidance, discovery and adventure, friendship and loyalty, unrequited love and loneliness, and self-authenticity. These themes greatly contribute to the narrative and emotional depth of her songs. In a nutshell, Lea Salongas song lyrics predominantly use material processes, reflecting a focus on actions and events. Additionally, this study underscores the importance of transitivity analysis in understanding how language constructs themes in music, offering valuable insights for linguists, educators, songwriters, and scholars in literary and cultural studies.