Earth, Energy & Environment
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Uzoegbu, M. U |
The effects of flooding on some part of Ikwuano Local Government Area of Rivers State were studied using soil samples to known the influence of Geology on properties of the soil. The peak of rainy season is from April to October. The data for fifteen years annual precipitation was conducted with an average rain fall of 2145. 89mm. The test carried out include natural moisture content, particle size distribution analysis, Atterberg Limit and borehole lithology shows that the subsoil are brown to reddish gray clayey sand and is moderately graded. The natural moisture content values ranges from 14.10%-27.90%. The Atterberg limit shows that the soil is an inorganic clay of intermediate plasticity index is 11.70%- 28.20% with liquid limit 29.00% - 41.60% and plastic limit of 11.10% - 19.90%, Particle size distribution analysis shows that the soil is moderately graded consisting of mainly medium to fine grains, sand in high proportion with less proportion of coarse grains, in the ranges of 6.00% - 12.80% coarse grain sand, 6.00% - 35.50% medium grain sand and 6.00% - 14.90% fines, using unified classification system this texture could be classified as clayey sand. These shows that the soil particle sizes are moderately graded and slightly poorly graded since the soil sample is of low plasticity.