Social Sciences & Psychology

Social Sciences & Psychology

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User Satisfaction in E-Learning: The Role of Self-Regulation Skills

Volume: 154  ,  Issue: 1 , August    Published Date: 02 August 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 252  ,  Download: 167 , Pages: 50 - 54    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001541820247022


# Author Name
1 Amaran Sidhiq
2 Ursa Majorsy
3 Quroyzhin Kartika Rini


This study aims to test the influence of self-regulation on user satisfaction in e-learning using the quantitative research method with 154 respondents. This research also uses a self-regulation scale and user satisfaction scale as a measuring tool. Based on the results of the multiple analysis technique that is being carried out, 13.1% of the resulting data shows that there is an influence of self-regulation on user satisfaction in e-learning while the rest of the results are influenced by other factors.


  • e-learning
  • self regulation
  • user satisfaction
  • online learning