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Relationship Between Maternal Parenting Style and Speech Delay in Children Aged 2-5 Years in Surabaya

Volume: 152  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 14 July 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 296  ,  Download: 155 , Pages: 541 - 551    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001521720246946


# Author Name
1 Tirza Mulia Simanjuntak
2 Ahmad Suryawan
3 Yunias Setiawati


Introduction: Speech delay affects 5-8% of Indonesian preschoolers. A childs genetic potential for development is influenced not only by natural aspects, but also by nurturing aspects. Based on this, this study aims to analyze how maternal parenting styles may influence the incidence of speech delay in children. Methods: This research is a correlation analysis study with a cross-sectional approach. The instrument used was the Child and Adolescent Parenting Style Questionnaire (KPAA) and medical records, taken during December 2023-February 2024. Variables included maternal parenting styles, age, education level, and employment status, as well as child gender. Results were processed using SPSS for Windows ver. 28, with Chi Square and Fishers Exact statistical tests. Results: Result showed 3 mothers (15%) had children experiencing primary speech delay, with 1 (33.3%) applying democratic parenting while the other 2 (66.7%) using permissive parenting. There were 17 mothers (85%) with children experiencing secondary speech delay, with 1 (5.9%) applying democratic parenting, while the other 16 (94.1%) using permissive parenting. Maternal average age is 31.9 years, with most educated to high school level and work actively. Statistical test revealed no significant correlation (p>0.05) between maternal parenting style and speech delay. Neither maternal employment status nor child gender showed association with parenting style. However, maternal age and education level appeared to have a link with parenting style adopted. Conclusion: No significant relationship was found between mothers parenting style and speech delays in children aged 2-5 years at the Childrens Growth and Development Clinic at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital.


  • Maternal Parenting Style
  • Developmental Disorder
  • Speech Delay
  • Literacy Skill