Business Studies
Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Joseph Mwangi |
2 | James Mwikya Reuben |
The role of Human Resource information system (HRIS) in business environment has evolved over time to become an integral part of its business operations in Kenya. This study aimed to establish the effects of e-recruitment and e-training on human resource performance: a case study of Telkom Kenya. The study objectives were; E-recruitment on human resources performance, e-training on human resources performance. The study used descriptive research design targeting employees of Telkom Kenya comprising of managers, supervisors and general staff being 210 in total. The target population was sampled randomly from stratus and 50% of the population was sampled making 105 respondents that were obtained and used in the study. The study instruments that were used for data collection were questionnaires for easy administering and answering by the respondents. Data collected was content analyzed using SPSS and results presented on the tables, figures and charts for interpretation. It was clear from the study results that the company website enhances e-recruitment for the desired staff according to 71% while 29% did not agree to this and that use of e-recruitment ensure better applicant tracking during hiring process to employ the suitable person for the duties outlined according to 72% who agreed while the remaining 28% of the respondents did not agree. The study established that 64% of the respondents agreed that e-training provides reliable mentoring and couching necessary for acquisition of necessary skills while 36% did not agree to this. It was also found out that 42% agreed to e-training providing extra training to the employees than other platforms of training in the organization while 58% did not agree to this. the study conclusions were that company website enhances e-recruitment for the desired staff, also the conclusion noted that use of e-recruitment ensure better applicant tracking during hiring process to employ the suitable person for the duties outlined and that e-recruitment enhances hiring decisions by human resource management for effectiveness to a great extent. The study concluded that e-training provides reliable mentoring and couching necessary for acquisition of necessary skills and that that e-training does not necessarily provide extra training to the employees than other platforms of training in the organization. The conclusion also determined that determined that effective reference ensures e-communication being reliable than other forms of communication. The recommendations of the study were that organizations planning to recruit personnel should use the company website so as to get the desired staff for the work needed. Organizations should use e-recruitment in the process to track and hire suitable individuals for work prescribed by the organization.