Business Studies
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 330 , Download: 909 , Pages: 220 - 235
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001511620246821
# | Author Name |
1 | Darryl Castrojeres Razalan |
The purpose of study is to examine the money attitudes using the money attitude scale of power-prestige, retention-time, anxiety, distrust in terms of spending behavior, saving behavior, borrowing money, financial planning, controlling finances, financial protection, financial education and giving donations, and its significance to the financial well-being in terms of autonomy, competence and relatedness. This study used a quantitative approach using a survey questionnaire and qualitative method to analyze how respondents overcome financial challenges. The sample consisted of 364 respondents from the public and private schools and colleges in Rizal province. From the survey results, correlation analysis was utilized to show the significant relationship between money attitudes and financial well-being, and thematic analysis to determine how Gen-Zs showcase their money attitude. It is found out that certain demographics have an impact on the money attitudes of Gen-Zs. Gen Zs financial mindset is somewhat developed. There is a holistic impact between the positive money attitudes of Gen-Zs and their financial well-being. Gen-Zs demonstrate efforts to manage their finances through budgeting, saving, and planning when facing financial challenges. A money attitude scale is developed that serves as future researchers reference in measuring financial mindset. The Gen-Zs assessment based on the developed scale, scored high orientation on power-prestige of spending, and moderate orientation on other dimensions of money attitudes