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The Relationships between Sepsis and Glucosuria in Prematur Infants at H.Adam Malik Central General Hospital Medan in 2018

Volume: 34  ,  Issue: 1 , August    Published Date: 19 August 2019
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 835  ,  Download: 659


# Author Name
1 Rina Anggraini


Bacground : Nenonatal sepsis is a clinical syndrome of systemic abnormalities in which bactreremia occurs in the first month of life. In prematur infants the risk of hyperglycemia increases in sepsis, so glucose monitoring in the blood is needed, but it causes discomfort to the infants, so glucose monitoring in urine is non-invasive and is expected to be a marker of early sepsis.
Objective  : To determine the relationship between sepsis and glucosuria at H.Adam Malik Central General Hospital Medan.
Material and Methods : A cross-sectional study of preterm infants with suspected sepsis at H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan in December 2018-February 2019. Infants who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria were examined glucose in urine using urine dipstick and blood culture tests.
Result :In a total of 50 preterm infants, positive blood cultures were found in 13 infants (26%) with glucosuria found in 7 infants (53.8%). There is no meaningful relationship between sepsis and glucosuria. Risk factors for preterm infants experiencing glucosuria were hyperglycemia with OR 18.6; 95% CI 2.204-158.07,p = 0.001.
Keywords: Sepsis, glucosuria, premature infant


  • sepsis glucosuria prematur