Social Sciences & Psychology
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 205 , Download: 163 , Pages: 970 - 987
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001511620246905
# | Author Name |
1 | Maria Delia Mirana-Poot, PhD |
This study assessed the college community engagement (CCE) with the partner community that focuses on the provision of seminars/workshops to the students to enhance their knowledge on basic accounting and management principles to be applied on their respective family-owned and home-managed enterprises. In this study, the specific objectives are to determine the assessment of the partners, the main motivation of the community partners for participating in the community engagement, impact to the community partners, the challenges, the community concerns being addressed, the fondest memories of the respondents, the activities that need further improvement and to find out the community partners responses on their willingness to continue the CCE. Descriptive research design was employed in this study with the application of the percentage, frequency distribution and the mean of the available data collected. This study employed the mixed methods research design which entailed the acquisition of both quantitative and qualitative data. Furthermore, quantitative data were gathered first and then analyzed. Consequently, the collection of qualitative data was done through the conduct of focus group discussion (FGD), where interview guide questions for the FGD were prepared by the proponent with the opening, introductory, key and ending questions. The IBM SPSS Text Analytics software was used to facilitate the interpretation of the transcribed word-for-word responses by identifying the frequencies of similar words from various statements and building categories or themes from such. The transcription of responses was prepared in Microsoft Excel format. Likewise, text analyses of responses for the eight interview questions and some follow-ups based on the responses were accomplished. Results revealed that the CCE needs further improvement and worthy of continuity leading to a sustainable community engagement.