Business Studies
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 527 , Download: 260 , Pages: 559 - 579
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001491520246565
# | Author Name |
1 | Shyra Elliez H. Principe |
The study aimed to analyze the maintenance and other operating expenses (MOOE) fund utilization practices toward personnel productivity in terms of personnel development, physical facilities maintenance and development, materials and equipment, water, illumination and power services, supplies, and communication services as perceived by the teaching and non-teaching personnel of Lumban Sub-Office during the SY 2023- 2024. One hundred forty-two (142) teaching and non-teaching personnel were surveyed, and eight (8) school heads were interviewed via total enumeration. Results showed that most respondents were female, aged 24-31, married, 1 to 5 years in service and current position, had very satisfactory rating, and with Masters degree. Practices in MOOE fund utilization are highly utilized in the MOOE by the school heads. Furthermore, the respondents are productive particularly when “Water, Illumination, and Power Services” are highly utilized in the MOOE which includes payment of water and electrical bills. Moreover, MOOE helps the school personnel be excellently productive at work. it is found that the practices in MOOE fund utilization have a significant relationship with personnel productivity. It is recommended that the practices of the school heads in MOOE fund utilization should be further enhanced and heightened particularly on the “communication services” through intensified orientation, trainings, and capacity building among school heads and the agency. Utilization on communication services should be included in one of the priorities for teaching and non-teaching personnel to further excel and be productive at work.