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The Influence of Honey Consumption on Tibia Bone Fracture Healing in Wistar Rats: A Comprehensive Study

Volume: 149  ,  Issue: 1 , May    Published Date: 19 May 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 282  ,  Download: 240 , Pages: 51 - 58    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001491520246500


# Author Name
1 Dony Saputra Halik
2 Iman Dwi Winanto
3 Ilham Abdullah Irsyam
4 Putri Chairani Eyanoer


Introduction: Fracture healing is a complex biological process crucial for restoring bone integrity and function. Honey has garnered research interest in the context of bone fracture healing due to its potential to expedite the healing process and strengthen bone structures. Honey also exhibits significant anti-inflammatory activity and influences the differentiation of bone cells and has found to protect bones by reducing resorption and increasing calcium absorption.   Aim: Analyzing histopathological differences in tibia bone fractures in several groups of Wistar rats after administration of Nusantara honey, Manuka honey, and Wild honey.   Methods: The experimental design included inducing tibia fractures in Wistar rats and administering honey orally as a potential therapeutic intervention. Utilizing a posttest only control group design, rats meeting the eligibility criteria were randomly assigned into four groups: one control and three treatment groups. Following a 15-day follow-up period, euthanasia was performed, and histopathological assessment of tibial bone tissue was conducted by an expert anatomical pathologist using the Huo et al. classification system. Data analysis was subsequently carried out to evaluate the experimental outcomes.   Results: The histopathological classification assessment revealed that honey exhibited superior effects compared to control group. Also, manuka honey exhibited superior effects compared to other types of honey in promoting the healing of tibial bones in experimental rats in promoting the healing of tibial bones in experimental rats.These findings suggest the promising role of honey in enhancing bone fracture healing.


  • honey
  • tibia bone fracture
  • wistar rats
  • healing process