Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
Publisher Name: IJRP
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The study of nutritional and nutraceutical content of Gnetum gnemon(BAGO) leaf extract was determined by conducting its physical properties, nutritional as well as its nutraceutical content. Some tests were performed for physical properties such as boiling point, color, density, odor, pH and solubility. For the nutritional content, ash, carbohydrates, fat, moisture and protein were conducted experimentally. And the alkaloid, leucoanthocyanin, saponin, tannin and vitamin C were conducted in terms of its nutraceutical content.
The extracted bago leaf is dark green in color, 0.9296 g/mL in density pleasant in odor, contain 5.45 pH which is slightly acidic and miscible in both ethanol and water whereas immiscible in toluene which indicates the sample is polar. In nutritional the average ash content contain 3.0276% which is good source of minerals, 32.5884% in carbohydrates which is a good source of energy. Fat is 13.101% which can give energy supply in the body, 69.54% in moisture which implies water and it is important in our body and the protein which is about 17.96%. For further experiment, the nutraceutical content was also determined wherein the result of the alkaloid was present because it formed an orange precipitate for dragendorff’s and white precipitate in mayer’s reagent, and then saponin, another secondary metabolites help lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease. For the test of leucoanthocyanin and tannin found negative.
It is recommended to conduct another type of study using the same sample, instead of fresh leaf dried leaf may be used.