Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
Publisher Name: IJRP
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This study assessed the quality of drinking water sources in Catarman, Northern Samar. Specifically, it aimed to determine the physical, chemical and bacteriological properties of selected drinking water sources. One jetmatic pump in every barangays was used in this study.
Water samples from all three sites rated colorless, odorless and tasteless by five evaluators. Brgy. Cag abaca has pH a of 6.23 Brgy.Cularema has a pH of 6.14 and Brgy. Old Rizal has pH of 6.3 which indicates all water samples are slightly acidic. Temperatures, Brgy.Cag abaca is almost the same with Brgy.Cularema having the highest temperature of 28.2°C and Brgy. Old Rizal has a temperature of 26.7°C which is the lowest temperature of the three water sources, and the total dissolved solids[TDS} are 108mg/L, 39.7mg/L and 156mg/L respectively which means Brgy Old Rizal has the highest TDS among the three brgys due mainly that it was a dumping area before but still within the permissible limit based on the Philippine National Standard of Drinking Water.
The presence of Calcium, Chloride, dissolved oxygen{DO}, Iron, manganese, Nitrite and Potassium are acceptable in three water samples based in the Philippine National Standard of Drinking Water {PNSDW}. Bacteriological analysis revealed that E.coli is positive in the three water samples, Brgys Cag abaca, Cularema and Old Rizal respectively. Therefore all water samples of the three barangays sources not safe for drinking purposes.
Since all water sources are totally not safe to drink the Local Government Units (LGU’S) must conduct seminars/trainings on proper method of purification and water treatment for the safety of all. There must be a regular inspection on the sources of drinking water by the concerned committee particularly on the safety of human health.