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Attitudes of girls teenagers toward early marriage due to pregnancy out of marriage

Volume: 141  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 17 January 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 259  ,  Download: 199 , Pages: 27 - 33    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001411120245981


# Author Name
1 Egidia Eisca Loninasari Gultom
2 Endyka Erye Frety


Background: In the adolescent phase, teenagers experience very high curiosity about various things. In this modern era, teenagers can easily access information and try new things, for example, sexual relations outside marriage. Cases of early marriage due to out-of-wedlock pregnancies have increased recently. This research was conducted to determine the attitudes of young women towards early marriage due to pregnancy out of wedlock. The Method in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Qualitative methods are used to explain a phenomenon in depth. The data collection technique used is literature study, namely by reviewing various literature that is relevant to the issues in this research. Results and Discussion: Factors causing premarital sex include low knowledge, the minimal role of parents, partner influence, friend influence, and exposure to pornographic content. Based on several previous studies, there are still young women who do not know the impact of early marriage due to pregnancy outside of marriage. Conclusion: The attitudes shown by young women tend to be positive if their level of knowledge is also good. Adolescence is a transition phase in individual development. Recently, cases of sex outside marriage have often occurred, which can result in early marriage due to pregnancy outside of marriage. The level of knowledge of young women regarding early marriage varies. Providing education to young women can increase the positive attitudes of teenagers regarding early marriage due to pregnancy outside of marriage.


  • attitudes
  • early marriage
  • teenagers
  • premarital sex