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Factors Affecting The Incidence of Hemorrhoids: A Literature Review

Volume: 140  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 15 January 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 322  ,  Download: 226 , Pages: 658 - 661    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001401120245918


# Author Name
1 Ziba Naila Octavi
2 Wihasto Suryaningtyas


Hemorrhoids are dilation and inflammation of the veins in the anal region originating from the hemorrhoidal plexus. Hemorrhoidal symptoms are conditions that are signs of the onset (occurrence, outbreak) of hemorrhoids. The symptoms of hemorrhoids are pain, itching, pain, irritation and bleeding. Data on the prevalence of hemorrhoidal symptoms on an international or national scale is currently uncertain because hemorrhoids are not a life-threatening disease and sufferers tend to be embarrassed to reveal it. The incidence of hemorrhoids is certainly influenced by various factors, therefore in this literature review, the author will write a review related to the factors that influence the increase in hemorrhoid incidence rates.


  • Hemorrhoids
  • hemorrhoid incidence
  • hemorrhoid risk factors