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Intensive Assistance Monitoring Growth and Development, Prevention and Management of Stunting Toddlers in Kalirungkut Surabaya

Volume: 142  ,  Issue: 1 , February    Published Date: 05 February 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 120  ,  Download: 114 , Pages: 1 - 10    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001421220246039


# Author Name
1 Ayling Sanjaya
2 Masfufatun
3 Ayu Cahyani
4 Noer Kumalasari
5  Kartika Ishartadiati
6 Atik Sri Wulandari
7 Sri Lestari Utami
8 Sukma Sahadewa
9 Wike Herawaty
10 James Hadiputra Sunarpo
11 Made Ayu Prasasti D.Putri
12 Claudia Key
13 Denik Putri Nabilasari


Stunting in toddlers is still a serious problem in the world and in Indonesia. Stunting in children often goes undetected and is neglected in its treatment, resulting in the risk of growth and development disorders and having an impact on the quality and future of children, so it is necessary to provide outreach on the prevention, monitoring, detection and treatment of stunting. This community service activity aims to monitor the growth and development, prevention and handling of stunting toddlers at the Kalirungkut Community Health Center, Surabaya. Community service is carried out for stunted toddlers in the form of checking and monitoring growth with WHO growth curves and development status with KPSP, counseling and handling stunting. A total of 75 participants took part in this activity, including lecturers, students, heads of community health centers and related staff, stunted toddlers and mothers as well as posyandu cadres in Kalirungkut Subdistrict, Surabaya. It was found that 23 children under five were stunted. There was an increase in participants ability to realize the importance of regularly monitoring childrens growth and development, parenting patterns, eating patterns after counseling and providing vitamins and calorie milk where there was an increase in the weight and height of stunted toddlers within 1 month afterward. Monitoring growth and development, preventing and handling stunting regularly is very effective.


  • Toddlers
  • Monitoring
  • prevention
  • treatment
  • Stunting