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Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma of The Head and Neck: A Literature Review on Its Etiology, Clinical Symptoms, and Treatment

Volume: 140  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 07 January 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 210  ,  Download: 193 , Pages: 557 - 559    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001401120246007


# Author Name
1 Nur Afifah Naura Andika Putri
2 Muhtarum Yusuf
3 Dwi Hari Susilo


Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) comprises around 90% of all lymphomas, presenting a diverse array of malignant tumors with distinct subtypes. The occurrence of lymphomas in the domain of head and neck malignancies fluctuates from 1% to 17%, contingent on the geographic location and the specific timeframe of the study. Due to the increasing number of NHL cases especially in the head and neck, this research aims to provide a better understanding of its etiology, clinical symptoms, and treatment.


  • non-Hodgkin lymphoma
  • etiology
  • clinical symptoms
  • treatment
  • chemotherapy