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DNA Analysis of Blood Stains on Clothing Post-Crime: A Literature Review

Volume: 140  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 08 January 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 218  ,  Download: 211 , Pages: 580 - 584    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001401120246012


# Author Name
1 Titus Adimasto
2 Ahmad Yudianto
3 Tania Ardiani Saleh
4 Nily Sulistyorini


This literature review delves into crime theory, crime scene analysis, evidence, fabric materials, blood spots, and DNA in forensic investigations. Notable findings include a decrease in crime cases in Indonesia, although crime intensity remains high. The significance of physical evidence, especially fabric materials and blood, is emphasized. The review explores DNAs crucial role in personal identification through molecular forensics, including isolation methods and spectrophotometer. The findings contribute to a comprehensive understanding of forensic techniques and their applications in crime investigations.


  • Blood Stains
  • DNA
  • Crime Incidents
  • Spectrophotometer