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Exploring the Nexus of Microbiota, Aging, and Skin Health: A Comprehensive Review on Probiotic and Its Topical Applications

Volume: 140  ,  Issue: 1 , January    Published Date: 19 January 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 275  ,  Download: 213 , Pages: 695 - 700    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001401120245954


# Author Name
1 Faris Dary Utama
2 Damayanti
3 Atika
4 Afif Nurul Hidayati


The human microbiome, a unique entity in mammals, hosts a diverse ecosystem on the skin, playing a pivotal role in maintaining homeostasis. Key bacterial phylum, including Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Bacteroides, and Proteobacteria, are prevalent on the skin, with dynamic variations observed across different life stages. Notably, dysbiosis in the skin microbiome has been associated with chronic skin disorders such as dermatitis atopic and psoriasis. This literature review delves into the intricate interplay between microbiota, aging, and skin health, with a particular focus on the role of probiotics and their topical applications. In the aging process, significant shifts in the skin microbiome occur, with changes in bacterial density and diversity. Metagenomic studies reveal distinctions between young and old skin, suggesting implications for overall skin health. Furthermore, the review explores the unique crosstalk between the gut and skin microbiomes, emphasizing the gut-skin axis. This two-way communication pathway underscores the vulnerability of the balance system as age progresses, contributing to skin dysfunction. The literature extensively covers various probiotic strains, predominantly Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, commonly found in probiotic products. Topical probiotics have proven effective in addressing skin issues like acne, atopic dermatitis, and rosacea. The historical use of topical bacteriotherapy, dating back to 1912, is highlighted, showcasing its potential in treating skin diseases. The review concludes by emphasizing the therapeutic potential of probiotics topical in skincare, presenting a comprehensive overview of their impact on aging and skin health.


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