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Characteristics of Thyroid Nodules: Prevalence, Size, and Associated Complications: A Literature Review

Volume: 139  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 22 December 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 420  ,  Download: 377 , Pages: 210 - 216    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10013911220235823


# Author Name
1 Syarifah Wahidah
2 Nila Kurniasari
3 Hermawan Susanto


Background: Thyroid nodules are an endocrine neoplasia that is generally benign. The incidence of thyroid nodules increases with age and is more common in women. The unique anatomical location of the thyroid gland, which is superficial, can easily be detected either through physical examination or by using various diagnostic media. The prevalence of thyroid nodules increases with age, exposure to ionizing radiation and iodine deficiency. Functional thyroid nodules can result in hyperthyroidism such as sweating, palpitations, and impaired glucose tolerance. Cystic thyroid nodules can sometimes cause thyroid pain, which may indicate sudden bleeding or hemorrhagic infarction. Method: The research design used in this study is to use the Literature review method. This technique is carried out with the aim of expressing various theories that are relevant to the problem being faced or being researched as reference material in the discussion of research results.  Results: Research results from the review of articles show that increasing the size of thyroid nodules has a nonlinear impact on cancer risk. The threshold was detected at 2 cm, and extension beyond 2 cm did not affect the risk of cancer. However, the risk of follicular carcinoma and other rare thyroid malignancies increases as the nodule enlarges. In malignant thyroid nodules, this technique has a longer surgical duration and does not differ in terms of complications in the form of laryngeal nerve injury, hypoparathyroidism with open thyroidectomy. Endoscopic thyroidectomy can be an option in managing low-risk thyroid carcinoma patients. Conclusion: Thyroid nodules are more common in women than men and occur mostly in the age group 41 – 50 years. In this study, there were more cases of malignant thyroid nodules than benign thyroid nodules.  


  • characteristics
  • thyroid nodules
  • prevalence
  • size
  • complications of thyroid nodules