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The Role of Animal Protein in Preventing Stunting in Children: A Literature Review

Volume: 139  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 21 December 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 409  ,  Download: 643 , Pages: 174 - 183    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10013911220235819


# Author Name
1 Shirley Angelica
2 Nur Aisiyah Widjaja
3 Dwi Aprilawati


Background: Stunting is a growth disorder or failure to thrive in children which is characterized by a shorter body condition than normal standards. Stunting is caused by consuming less nutrition and nutrition, one of which is protein intake. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of protein, especially animal protein, in preventing stunting in children under five. The research design in this article is a literature review, by looking for several sources of literature in the form of research journals and the determination of the journal is animal protein and stunting in children under five. The selected research journals are summarized in the form of research designs, research descriptions, variables, and research results. Based on research results from several journals, it is known that the lack of animal protein intake is one of the factors causing stunting. Animal protein intake can increase height and reduce stunting rates in children under five in Indonesia. Consuming animal protein with stunting in toddlers has a significant relationship. Animal protein plays a major role in preventing stunting in toddlers. It is recommended to provide adequate nutritional intake for toddlers, especially animal protein intake.  


  • Animal protein
  • Stunting
  • Under-five development
  • Malnutrition