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Indications for Sectio Caesarea Delivery: Literature Review

Volume: 139  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 17 December 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 820  ,  Download: 874 , Pages: 65 - 72    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10013911220235771


# Author Name
1 Ahmadiyah Azhari Fairuz Aliya Firdausi
2 Ratna Dwi Jayanti


Background : SC (Sectio Caesarea) is one of the procedures in the birth process which is carried out to remove the baby from the stomach through an incision process made on the abdominal wall and uterus. The results of research conducted in Asian countries showed that around 110,000 SC procedures were carried out in several hospitals. The aim is to analyze the indications for Sectio Caesarea delivery. Method: The research method uses qualitative research with a literature review approach. Results and Discussion: The results obtained by Caesarean delivery are a technique for saving the mother and baby by making an incision in the mothers abdominal wall by removing the amniotic membranes, placenta and fetus from the uterus. Conclusion: The conclusion is that SC delivery has several indications including social, relative, fetal and absolute indications. Furthermore, caesarean section can also be caused by indications of several factors including fetal distress, anemia, asthma, eclampsia, maternal disease, polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, cloudy amniotic fluid, premature rupture of membranes, amniotic fluid, failed induction, postdate, non-advanced labor, history of CS. , and age at risk. After the mother goes through the Caesarean birth process, several complications will arise, including complications for the baby, bleeding, puerperal infection, and so on.


  • Indications
  • delivery
  • Sectio Caesarea