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Aging as Risk Factor of Bacterial Skin Infection

Volume: 134  ,  Issue: 1 , October    Published Date: 11 October 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 385  ,  Download: 288 , Pages: 216 - 220    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10013411020235557


# Author Name
1 Damayanti


In the last decades, the elderly population rise significantly, and estimated that one fifth of global population will be more than 65 years old, by the year 2050. As people get older, they become more susceptible to bacterial skin infections. Bacterial skin infection in elderly has higher mortality and morbidity rate, compared with young adult. Skin changes that occur in the elderly, including thinning of the skin layer and decreased function of the skin, make the elders skin become sensitive skin. Elderly skin has higher risk to get inflammation or irritation, and become port dentry of bacteria that may cause bacterial skin infection. Apart from that, immunosenescence in elderly is also a major factor in the occurrence of bacterial skin infection in the elderly.


  • aging; bacterial skin infection; elderly; sensitive skin; human and disease