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Treatment and Management of Scabies in 12 Years-old Patient at Islamic Boarding School: Case Report

Volume: 133  ,  Issue: 1 , September    Published Date: 25 September 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 318  ,  Download: 244 , Pages: 261 - 264    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001331920235516


# Author Name
1 Enggar Yusrina Hasyyati
2 Elok Yulia Manthofani
3 Prajnamita Manindhya El Farah


Backround : Scabies is caused by parasite, called S. scabiei var hominis and common public health problem that affects people worldwide. High prevalence found in children, which is still pay less attention to personal hygiene and the risk of this disease will increase in children who live in environments with high population density and interpersonal contact, such as Islamic boarding schools. Objective : The review aims to provide an understanding of treatment as well as comprehensive management of scabies infection in Islamic boarding schools. Discussion : The patient complained of itching, started between the fingers and later moved to the stomach, difficult for sufferers to fall asleep at night cause of the increased itching experience. Pharmacological treatment uses 5% permethrin cream applied once at night and antihistamine. Non-pharmacological therapy like bathing twice a day, washing clothes, drying towels, and mattress in the sun at least once a week can help prevent the spread of scabies and prevent recurrence. Conclusion : The diagnosis of scabies can be established by history and physical examination. Increased awareness, accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment are essential for the effective control of scabies and for prevention the spread of the disease.


  • scabies
  • tropical diseases
  • healthy lifestyle
  • permethrin
  • boarding school