Engineering & Technology
Volume: 132 , Issue: 1 , September Published Date: 17 September 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 738 , Download: 763 , Pages: 174 - 200
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001321920235469
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 738 , Download: 763 , Pages: 174 - 200
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001321920235469
# | Author Name |
1 | Nathaniel B. De Guzman |
2 | Maricris Alibuyog |
3 | Johnrey Baniaga |
4 | Louell Jhay A. Barcellano |
5 | Rhose Jhane B. Cabasag |
6 | Dexel M. Corpuz |
7 | Daniel S. Jacob |
8 | Rose-anne Menor |
9 | Jay-lynne S. Escalona |
10 | Mathew P. Langbis |
11 | Madelyn P. Estrada |
This study determined the satisfaction in using barcode attendance for the Criminology Students of Data Center College of the Philippines. The study utilized the quantitative method of research using survey questionnaires to gather data from the 200 criminology students of Data Center College of the Philippines of Laoag City, Inc.-College of Criminal Justice Education. Mean was used to analyze the data gathered in level of satisfaction, problem encountered and coping mechanism of the study. The study revealed that most of the average responses tend to be in satisfaction range (4.20 – 3.41) with the corresponding statement in the survey questionnaire. In the problem encountered that they experience, most of the items fall in the range of (3.40 – 2.61) that interpreted as sometimes. However, those respondents who encountered those problems were able to cope up through problem-solving and problem-focused. In addition, the result of the study also showed that majority of problems are in the part of scanner. Meaning in order to improve the system let us focus first in the scanner because this is the first component to process that if it is not working well the whole system affected. Based on the findings and conclusions drawn the following are recommended that the Data Center College of the Philippines need to establish a updated and upgraded barcode scanner to have a better performance attendance monitoring in the school. In terms of security of the students the SMS parent notification is recommended for the parental monitoring to avoid absenteeism and parent appearance in the guidance. Also concern in portability of the system, it is highly recommended that there is an app installed to mobile phones that connected to the system to easily monitor the attendance of the student during activities which are not happened inside the school.