Business Studies
Volume: 130 , Issue: 1 , August Published Date: 14 August 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 546 , Download: 419 , Pages: 497 - 512
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001301820235322
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 546 , Download: 419 , Pages: 497 - 512
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001301820235322
# | Author Name |
1 | Maria Veronica D. Comia |
Electronic commerce presents a wide array of benefits and opportunities to businesses however, data revealed that firms in Lipa City have a low rate of adopting e-commerce due to apprehension and resource constraints. The study sought to uncover how electronic commerce adoption through food delivery applications affects the performance of beverage vendors in Lipa City. Additionally, the study aimed at the creation of a program for technological advancement that will aid in adopting and commercializing e-commerce in Lipa City through the utilization of delivery applications. This research used a descriptive-causal research design and total enumeration sampling to survey all 105 beverage merchants on Foodpanda and Grab Lipa. The effect of each dimension of electronic commerce adoption on the performance of microbusinesses in Lipa City was specifically assessed using simple linear regression. Notably, the study evaluated the strategic alignment of the entrepreneurial sector with regard to the adoption of e-commerce and its effects on the performance of microentrepreneurial ventures. The results showed that all four aspects of e-commerce adoption, including computer infrastructure, ICT processing power, information storage, and service delivery significantly affect performance, the dependent variable. With that, a training program for e-commerce adoption was recommended by the researcher to promote the studys results among microbusinesses. The program wanted to encourage and show how adopting e-commerce may boost a companys performance with proper operational strategies.