Social Sciences & Psychology

Social Sciences & Psychology

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Teachers Readiness in Using Technology

Volume: 130  ,  Issue: 1 , August    Published Date: 02 August 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 466  ,  Download: 378 , Pages: 108 - 114    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001301820235315


# Author Name
1 Indria Hapsari
2 Ursa Majorsy
3 Ratna Maharani Hapsari
4 Marcia Martha


The Covid-19 pandemic, which was previously epidemic ultimately caused several changes in the field of life, one of which is the field of education. The learning method by utilizing technology is felt to be quite effective so that it is still being used today. Based on this phenomenon, this research was conducted to be able to provide an overview of the readiness of teachers to change by using technology in teaching. This research was conducted on 395 teachers in Indonesia with an accidental sampling technique. The scale used is the readiness to change scale made by Kurniawan (2013) based on the dimensions of Holt (2007). The results of the analysis show that the teachers readiness to change using technology in teaching is in the high category, which means that the teacher is quite ready to deal with changes in the teaching process. Furthermore, analysis based on the dimensions of the variable readiness to change shows that the dimensions of appropriateness and managerial support are in the high category, while the dimensions of change, self-efficacy and personal valance are in the medium category.


  • Technology
  • Readiness
  • Teachers
  • Technology