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Injuries Caused By Blunt Trauma ; A Case Report

Volume: 129  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 18 July 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 301  ,  Download: 290 , Pages: 221 - 223    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001291720235268


# Author Name
1 Yocky Andre Siahaan
2 Adriansyah Lubis
3 Doaris Ingrid Marbun


Forensic and Medicolegal medicine is a specialized branch of medical science that utilizes medical science to assist law enforcement and legal issues, one of which is criminal law, and plays a role in helping the police to uphold justice.1 Traumatology is a science that studies all aspects related to violence against living human body tissues, also studies injuries and injuries and their relationship with various violence, while what is meant by injury is a state of discontinuity of body tissues due to violence.2 Blunt Force Trauma is a force inflicted by a blunt object on the surface of the body and resulting in injury. A case was reported to the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal FK. USU from one of the hospitals in Medan, has examined a woman, age 34 years, based on the theory, results of the examination and discussion above, it can be concluded that the victim suffered blunt trauma to the lips, gums, and chin.


  • Blunt Trauma; Crimes;Forensic