Medicine, Health & Food
Volume: 129 , Issue: 1 , July Published Date: 28 July 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 329 , Download: 287 , Pages: 490 - 495
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001291720235313
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 329 , Download: 287 , Pages: 490 - 495
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001291720235313
# | Author Name |
1 | Clement Tirta |
2 | Chairiandi Siregar |
3 | Aga Shahri Putera Ketaren |
In the United States, cases of proximal femur fracture are more than 250.000 – 300.000 cases per year and mortality rates range from 14% - 36%. Although cases of proximal femur fracture are more common in American and European population, Asian continent also has a considerable number of cases. Morphometry is a combine study for geometry and biology which related with three dimensional structur specially in human organ. Implant / prostheses that are produced sometimes do not match the morphometry because that are produced according to the population of Western countries and Caucasian population because of lack of morphometric data for Asian especially Indonesian population. This descriptive observational research used the total sampling method with subjects 20 – 70 years old subjects who underwent Pelvic X-Ray in Adam Malik Hospital. The proximal femur parameter consists of femoral head diameter, femoral neck diameter, femoral neck length, and femoral neck shaft angle. The result from measuring proximal femur morphometry of 120 subjects and Kappa test was used to analyze the measurements between two examiners. Femoral head diameter has a mean of 48.01 ± 4.24, femoral neck diameter is 33.88 ± 3.43, femoral neck length is 21.26 ± 3.16. and femoral neck shaft angle is 131.7 ± 3.53.