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The Impact of Coastal Area Development on Fishing Communities in Manado City

Volume: 127  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 27 June 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 516  ,  Download: 366 , Pages: 471 - 475    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001271620235108


# Author Name
1 Patrick Aldrin Latuni
2 I Wayan Suwena
3 I Wayan Tagel Eddy


This study investigated the consequences of development on the fishing communities residing along the shores of Manado City. Employing a qualitative research methodology with a postmodernist approach, the research focused on examining the forms of development and their resultant consequences. The findings revealed that the observed development encompassed coastal reclamation and the construction of coastal areas. Furthermore, the effects of reclamation and development have brought about changes in the coastal conditions along with transformations in the livelihoods and economic circumstances of the fishing communities. Ultimately, it can be concluded that the impacts of development stem from coastal reclamation and various forms of evolution in the coastal region, resulting in environmental and social challenges for the fishing communities in Manado City


  • Development Consequences
  • Fishing Community
  • Manado City