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Death From Sharp Trauma; A Case Report

Volume: 128  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 14 July 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 264  ,  Download: 212 , Pages: 569 - 572    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001281720235155


# Author Name
1 Yocky Andre Siahaan
2 Doaris Ingrid Marbun
3 Dessy Darmayanti Harianja


Violence that occurs in society is mostly triggered by disputes that lead to crimes against the body and even life. The perpetrators of violence use various weapons to injure their victims. Wound is a state of discontinuity of body tissue due to violence. Based on the nature and causes, violence is distinguished from mechanical violence, namely violence by sharp objects, violence by blunt objects and gun shots. Sharp trauma is a wound caused by contact with a sharp object. A case was reported to the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal FK. USU from one of the hospitals in Medan. A known male corpse was found, uncircumcised, body length 174 cm, medium stature, tan skin color, black hair mixed with gray hair, and straight. From the theory, the results of external and internal examinations as well as the discussion, it is concluded: the estimated time of death for the victim at the time of examination was 12 to 24 hours,the victim suffered an unnatural death, from the results of external and internal examinations, the cause of death of the victim was profuse bleeding due to sharp trauma.


  • Crimes; Death; Sharp Trauma