Social Sciences & Psychology

Social Sciences & Psychology

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Healthcare and Social Services: InputTo Propose Resilient Communities’ InSelected Municipalities At District 4a in Laguna

Volume: 127  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 25 June 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 301  ,  Download: 249 , Pages: 312 - 326    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001271620235158


# Author Name


Republic No 11337, It is at this moment declared the policy of the State to foster inclusive growth through an innovative economy by streamlining government and nongovernment initiatives, in both local and international spheres, to create new jobs and opportunities, improve production, and advance innovation and trade in the country and Republic No 11291, This Act shall be known as the Magna Carta of the Poor. Section 2. Declaration of Policy. It is the declared policy of the State to uplift the standard of living and quality of life of people experiencing poverty and provide them with sustained opportunities for growth and development. The Republic Act No. 11223, also known as the Universal Health Care Act, mandates the institutionalization of health technology assessment (HTA) as a fair and transparent priority-setting mechanism that shall be recommendatory to the DOH and PhilHealth for the development of policies and programs, regulation, and the determination of a range of entitlements such as drugs, medicines, pharmaceutical products, other devices, procedures, and services. The study focused on enhancing Healthcare Services and Social Services: Input to Propose resilient communities in selected municipalities at District 4A in Laguna. The respondents will be those communities that become 3rd class municipalities in town district 4A in Laguna and those starting to build establishments, such as Pila, Pagsanjan, Kalayaan, and Cavinti Laguna. The working group of the community will be divided into age categories (communities, barangay officials and municipal administrative personnel) for the survey specification the LGUs will also be respondents for the clarity of the program implementation for communities. The data to be gathered will be limited to the demographic profile of the respondents, the extent of knowledge of the communities, and the perception of the policy enhancement and the lawmakers themselves on the performance in resolving disputes. The research method used in this study is quantitative. A quantitative survey was conducted used to gather the data used. The researcher used online survey forms to collect the data from the respondents. The researcher disseminates the survey questionnaires through google forms. In line with the data interpretation of health care service, the computed F values of 64.0320 for the perceptions in Immunization and 622.9578 for family planning are more significant than the critical value at 0.05 level of significance. The partial eta-squared (η2) values of 8.40% on the Immunization and 51.39% on the family planning variables show that the sample size significantly affects the statistical differences of the mean perceptions in health services, particularly on the family planning. Furthermore, the computed p-values of 0.0000 on both variables report that the differences in the Respondents perceptions of the level of dissemination of health services are statistically significant. In social services, the computed F values of 421.6260 for the perceptions in the economy, 191.1757 for social, 328.0381 for culture, 1094.3230 for human resource, and 1580.9840 for technology are all evidently larger than the critical value at 0.05 level of significance. The partial eta-squared (η2) values of 72.85% for technology show that the sample size significantly affects the statistical differences of the mean perceptions in this social service. Furthermore, the computed p-values of 0.0000 on all variables report that the differences in the Respondents perceptions of the level of dissemination of social services are statistically significant.