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The Effectiveness of Minimal Invasive Piezocision Surgery in Accelering Tooth Movement in Orthodontic Treatment: A Review Study

Volume: 127  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 26 June 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 414  ,  Download: 406 , Pages: 336 - 340    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001271620235078


# Author Name
1 Sonya Liani Ramadayanti
2 Aya Dini Oase Caesar
3 I Gusti Aju Wahju Ardani


Long duration fixed orthodontic treatment has several side effects such as pain, discomfort, increased risk of caries, gingival recession and external root resorption, thereby decreasing patient adherence. Therefore, dentists and patients are interested in procedures that can speed up tooth movement by reducing the duration of treatment. Minimally invasive surgical assisted approaches such as piezocision have been shown to be clinically effective. Piezocision was used to decorate the alveolar bone after gaining access through an interdental vertical gingival incision. Piezocision is an efficient treatment to accelerate canine retraction. The overall treatment time was significantly lower when using piezocision. Piezocision had a progressive effect and greater efficacy on the maxilla compared to the mandible. However, there is substantial heterogeneity in minimally invasive surgery to accelerate canine movement in the various studies available. Piezocision is more promising for clinical applications than conventional corticotomy and has been studied extensively. There is a high meta-analysis heterogeneity in piezocision surgery, so it still requires further research


  • Human and Health
  • dentistry
  • piezocision
  • retraction
  • tooth movement
  • duration of treatment