Earth, Energy & Environment
Volume: 127 , Issue: 1 , June Published Date: 21 June 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 548 , Download: 422 , Pages: 170 - 179
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001271620235115
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 548 , Download: 422 , Pages: 170 - 179
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001271620235115
# | Author Name |
Waste management and control is a major environmental concern in the cities of the world. This concern emanates from the fact that waste products have far-reaching social and ecological impacts. An understanding of the waste being managed is a fundamental starting point to its effective control. This study is spurred by the need to significantly appreciate the extent of residents awareness of the health, emotional and aesthetic implications of waste in their vicinity. Such awareness is a basic starting point of mitigation or adaptation to the menace of the waste products in their day-to-day exposure. The problem identification for this study stemmed from a cursory assessment of the residents seeming manner of insensitivity to the nuisance caused by waste as observed by the researchers in their visit to the site. Consequently, the objectives focus on the residents appreciation of the overall impact of waste dump on their physical and mental health, emotional deterioration and so on. The study methodology considers the description of the research design, the study, population, sampling technique, instruments for data collection and the methods of data analysis. The justification for study was explained based on the valuable contribution of the research findings in urban environmental waste management, human physical and psychological health consideration, increased awareness of waste impact by residents and many more. Data analysis was based on statistical testing using the chi-square( ) distribution. Following the decision rule, the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative accepted implying that there is significant variation in the residents perception .