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A Case Report on Nairobi eye– An Ayurvedic approach

Volume: 124  ,  Issue: 1 , May    Published Date: 13 May 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 343  ,  Download: 351 , Pages: 1343 - 1345    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001241520234964


# Author Name
1 Dr.Anjali.S
2 Dr.Kiran.K.Prasad


Nairobi eye is an irritant contact dermatitis, caused by beetles of the genus Paederus. It is characterized by the erythematous and oedematous lesions associated with pain, burning sensation, blisters and pustules. The ocular involvement is usually unilateral in nature. The periocular lesion can be either due to the direct contact of the toxin or by accidental transfer through fingers from elsewhere on the skin. The toxin, being a weak base, cannot penetrate the cornea and conjunctiva and hence the damage is limited. These beetles breed in hot and humid conditions and maximum cases are seen during the months of May and June. This can be correlated with Keeta dashtam which is vata and pitta dosha predominant. A 32-year-old male patient approached with Nairobi eye disease. Along with Abhishyanda chikitsa , vishahara and rakta prasadana are the treatment principles adopted here.  Sweta lodra avagundana, Manjishtadi Kashaya seka, Sigrupallava rasa aschothana and Jalookavacharana were done in op base. By 2nd day of treatment burning sensation and pus discharge subsided but mild pain persisted. On 3rd day conjunctival congestion and pain relieved and by 5th day the patient got relieved from all other symptoms. Nairobi eye can be successfully treated with ayurvedic medicines and the duration of disease progression can be considerably reduced.


  • keeta visha
  • nairobi eye