Earth, Energy & Environment

Earth, Energy & Environment

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An Application of the Bibliometric Method to Analyze Research Development of Biodiesel

Volume: 124  ,  Issue: 1 , May    Published Date: 03 May 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 528  ,  Download: 437 , Pages: 14 - 23    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001241520234806


# Author Name
1 Muhammad Taufiq Fathaddin
2 Aqlyna Fattahanisa
3 Shabrina Sri Riswati
4 Rini Setiati
5 Pri Agung Rakhmanto


The current problem faced by Indonesia in the energy sector is the decline in oil reserves and production. It is aggravated by the increase in oil demand. Meanwhile, interest in using biodiesel from renewable energy sources continues to increase. In the last decade, the number of publications on this topic has shown an increase. This study aims to observe the research development of the conversion of vegetable raw materials into biodiesel fuel. In this study, the researchers conducted a bibliometric analysis of various publications on biodiesel to obtain information regarding the direction of research development and the novelty of studies addressing this topic. In total, the researchers collected and analyzed 679 relevant works of literature published between 2012 and 2022 from the Google Scholar database. The keywords used in the search were “biodiesel”, “rapeseed”, “corn”, “cottonseed”, “sunflower”, “soybean”, “sesame”, and “coconut”. Furthermore, the researchers employed Harzings Publish or Perish and VOSviewer as tools to collect and analyze publications with the aforementioned keywords. The results showed that, from 679 publications related to biodiesel, the words with the highest frequency of occurrence were “Masjuki”, “Sunflower Oil”, and “USA” as the author, topic, and country, respectively. Based on the year of publication, the discussion of observing the properties of biofuel and vegetable oils is a relatively new issue. In addition, the number of papers discussing biodiesel tends to increase.


  • biodiesel
  • bibliometric analysis
  • renewable energy
  • vegetable oil
  • research development